Community Reporters Courses ends on new beginnings

Tree CertificatesSo here we sit, me and my fellow community reporters writing stories for your amusement and bemusement and I wonder which part of our story we are at.

It is an end. The last session in our introductory course during which we have been expertly led by John Baron and Jeremy Morton through a journalistic landscape of 5Ws, inverted pyramids, rules of thirds and sound bites.

It is a middle, of new friends that I have greatly enjoyed meeting and sharing time with and I hope we will, as the promise goes, keep in touch.

And it is obviously a beginning. We are now fully fledged and certificate in hand we are set loose on the unsuspecting people of South Leeds to note, record, inform, question, critique, comment, provoke and generally take an interest in us and this place we choose to call home.

I came, I saw, I wrote and I’m glad I did. I’ll be writing about things that are important to me because I think and hope they are important to you. Our community. Our blog.

If you’d like to write about things that are important to you the next course starts at the end of February. Keep an eye out for dates and come along. You might be glad you did too.

This article was written by Tree Marshall

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