Women’s Lives Leeds , the consortium of women’s organisation including Asha Neighbourhood Project and Women’s Health Matters, is organising Leeds first ever women and girls Forum on Wednesday 29 March.

It is open to all women and girls in Leeds and is an opportunity for any woman, girl, independent or professional, or from any women centred group or organisation to contribute to strategic decision making and to influence and shape services for women and girls across the city.
It will be the “women and girls hub” for Leeds, enabling engagement of the women’s sector, it will drive forward the priorities for Women and Girls as identified by women and girls and make an active contribution towards the vision for Leeds to be “The Best City”.
If you are a young women interested in attending this event but are unable to attend due to school commitments, please contact the organisers so they can arrange an event to suit you (i.e. out of term-time).
The Forum takes place on Wednesday 29 March 10am–12noon at Leeds Church Institute, 20 New Market St, Leeds LS1 6DG.
Book your place online here.