Butler VC National Paving Stone Unveiling
Hosted by The Yorkshire Regiment.

Hunslet War Memorial.
The VC paving stone to honour Private William Boynton Butler VC will be unveiled Hunslet War Memorial at 11.00am on Monday 7th August 2017 in Hunslet, Leeds. The ceremony will start at 11.00 am but attendees are asked to arrive for 10.30am.
Hunslet War Memorial, Hunslet Cemetery, Middleton Road, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 3BN
Regimental representatives with any available Standards are encouraged to attend this WW1 Commemoration ceremony. Relatives of Pte Butler, Regimental Representatives, the Associations and Leeds City Council will attend.
All members of the Regiment, veterans and public are invited to honour Private Butler VC and the unveiling of the memorial stone on the centenary of his action and the award of his Victoria Cross.
Private William Boynton Butler served with the 17th (Service) Battalion, The Prince of Wales’s Own (West Yorkshire Regiment)and was attached to the 106th Trench Mortar battery when he won his VC.
His award was Gazetted on 17th October 1917 and his citation read: “On 6 August 1917, east of Lempire, France,

Private Butler was in charge of a Stokes gun in trenches which were being heavily shelled. Suddenly one of the fly-off levers of a Stokes shell came off and fired the shell in the emplacement. Private Butler picked up the shell and shouted a warning to a party of infantry.
He then turned and put himself between the party of men and the live shell, holding it until they were out of danger, when he threw it on to the parados and took cover.
The shell exploded, damaging the trench, but only confusing Private Butler. Undoubtedly his great presence of mind and disregard of his own life saved the lives of the officers and men in the emplacement and the party which was passing at the time.”
Association members are encouraged to contact Maj Charlie Helmn to confirm attendance. Please do so before Friday 4th August.
Medals to be worn, branch Standards are encouraged. Standard Bearers are asked to arrive by 1030hrs, allowing time for a brief rehearsal. There are no refreshments available due to the location of the ceremony.
Army in the North 4th Infantry Brigade RFCA Yorkshire and The Humber Leeds City Council.
According to the citation Private Butler was “contused” – meaning he was bruised. http://familytrees.genopro.com/harrycaper/FamilyTree/media/boynton_butler_william_vc.jpg
best regards,