Further to our report last June, designs have now been finalised to improve 36 bus stops on Belle Isle Road, Ring Road Middleton and Middleton Park Avenue.
A report published yesterday (10 March 2021) details the scheme, valued at £300,000, which is to be wholly funded from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Connecting Leeds programme as previously approved by Leeds City Council’s Executive Board.
The main works comprise:
- Replace existing bus shelters or introduce new shelters at 36 bus stops along the three routes to improve the bus passenger experience;
- Provide real time travel information in all new bus shelters to improve the bus passenger experience;
- Improve pedestrian links at bus stops and in the locality of the bus stops to assist all pedestrians, especially the elderly and those with mobility issues and improve the accessibility of the public transport system;
- Provision of two bus lay-bys on Middleton Ring Road, in keeping with the remainder of the route, to take the bus off the main carriageway, thus allowing the free flow of general traffic and removing the unsafe overtaking manoeuvresthat sometimes occur;
- Improvements to existing layby/carriageway surface to improve the ride experience of bus patrons whilst on a bus.
- Realign the eastern side of Middleton Circus to improve the bus waiting facilities, remove the congestion that occurs at peak times and provide an additional two on street limited waiting parking spaces;
- Realign the eastern kerbline of Middleton Park Avenue to improve the bus waiting facilities and consolidate two existing bus stops;
- Widen footways to provide a better waiting environment for bus passengers, facilitatingthe introduction of bus shelters and improved accessibility to public transport provision;
- Introduce new Bus Stop clearway markings and refurbish existing Bus Stop clearway markings where necessary; and
- The introduction of greenery, planting and trees along Middleton Ring Road to negate the loss of grass verge at the locations of the two proposed lay-bys.
Works are due to commence imminently and are due to be completed by June this year.
Instead of improving bus tops can you improve the buses turning up! 74 route is a absolutely ridiculous!!!
Upgrading the bus shelters on ring road and belle isle road isnt gunna work its the back streets thats the worst waisting money for the teenagers to graffitti or smash up dont use glass use plastic windows could be a good idea at least they will only graffiti it. The stop after casa on belle isle road the one on the junction where when buses stop there they block the road that one could do with moving or removing as when two buses are together like normal you can be waiting for a couple of mins easy causing tailbacks hooefully doing this your driver’s at hunslet might be able to park up straight and not like they have abandoned them. Thankyou driver smith hunslet and bramley ex driver
Bus shelters needed Moor Road 4 need to in site. Further on outside Middleton railway. And across the road as well I have lived here 55 years regularly used buses on Moor Road never had any shelter during the bad weather
The biggest improvement in bus users’ experiences would be to improve journey times and increase reliability by enhanced bus priority measures. This scheme does not address these points.