Amelia Wood, a member of the 5th Middleton Brownies has achieved something very few girls ever manage – she has been awarded all 57 interest badges available to Brownies.
Brownies work towards interest badges in their own time, choosing topics and skills they are interested in and exploring everything from languages to space.
On Amelia’s last night as a Brownie before going up to Guides, the County Commissioner, Jan Ali, and District Commissioner Pamela Clark visited the unit to award Amelia a certificate and gift in recognition of her achievement.

Amelia told South Leeds Life that her favourite badge had been the Rider badge as she got to be with horses. Her 57th and final badge was Entertainer, which she was awarded in December.
Mum, Helen Wood, is a Guide leader and has her own Guiding badges sewn onto a blanket that she takes to camp. The blanket inspired Amelia and she decided to work towards all the badges during her three years in Brownies. They are now all neatly sewn onto her Brownie gillet (by mum). Helen commented:
“I’m so unbelievably proud, I never thought she’d do and it’s taken some real determination.”
As she goes up to Guides, Amelia said she was most looking forward to going camping and other trips … oh and collecting more badges, of course.
The 5th Middleton group meet at Nesfield URC Church in Belle Isle every Friday evening. They have four sections for different age groups: Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. If you are interested in joining the unit, or any other unit, please visit: www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter