The proposed development of the Ice Pak site on Barkly Road in Beeston wasn’t on the agenda, but a packed meeting of Beeston Community Forum still discussed it at length at tonight’s meeting.
Many residents have concerns about the proposed multi-faith centre. Whilst these concerns centre on increased levels of traffic and on-street parking, there is some confusion about what activities will actually take place in the centre. Councillor Angela Gabriel said that she understood these might include weddings, funerals and food preparation business as well as the sports hall outlined by developers Aspiring Communities.
Councillor David Congreve explained to the meeting that all the consultation carried out so far was ahead of any planning application. Councillors and Planning officers had met Aspiring Communities and encouraged them to consult with the community and to make a Pre-Application Presentation to the South & West Plans Panel. This would give the developers and opponents 15 minutes each to put their case to the Panel and this debate could help shape the final planning application.
Councillor Congreve also reminded the meeting that objections would have to be made on planning grounds such as the design of the building, or traffic issues and not “just because we don’t want it here”.
The meeting also heard from Gill Clark of the Council’s Adult Social Care team about plans for the former Harry Booth House on Atha Street, Beeston. The site is being redeveloped as the city’s first intermediate care facility and will be renamed South Leeds Independence Centre. It will provide a stepping stone between home and hospital where older people can be assessed and rehabilitated. It is hoped this will help more older people remain in their own home for longer. It will also reduce stays in hospital which are expensive and can be disabling. The unit, which will open in April, will combine 30 nursing beds and 10 care beds.
Sergeant Greaves from the Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Team reported significant action on anti-social off-road motorbikes. He reported that twelve warnings have already been issued since 1st January as part of a crack down. After two warnings, he explained, bikes can be seized. He also encouraged residents to get involved with the Love Beeston, Clean Beeston which his team were actively supporting.
The next meeting of the Forum will be on Thursday 7th March.
As a keen biker good to hear of police action regarding off road motorbikes. From time to time we get this on Cross Flatts Park which is very dangerous for all concerned. I’ assume the two warnings is police procedure not a legal requirement? I appreciate circumstances will differ but surely it’s possible to seize bikes or prosecute offenders straight away? Motorbikes in the wrong hands or the wrong place are potentially lethal and not just for the rider…
Sgt Greaves explained to the meeting that they were using Anti-Social Behaviour legislation whereby having issued two Section 59 warnings they can then seize the bike. I think they were using this legislation because the bikes were off road, so issues of road worthiness or insurance were less pertinent.