A consultation is being held on Thursday (17 July 2014) to discuss plans for a new Aldi supermarket on the site of the former Police station on Burton Road off Dewsbury Road in Beeston.

Aldi are proposing to build a store with 1,108 m2 of retail space, 80% of which will be for convenience goods and 20% for non-food items. This is a similar size to the new Aldi Store at Middleton Park Circus. The store will be open 8am-10pm Monday to Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sundays and the developers say they have no plans for 24 hour or late night opening.
The new store is expected to create up to 60 full and part time jobs which Aldi say will be “aimed at local people”. The store entrance will be from Tunstall Road and the site will include 95 car parking spaces.
The developers claim that the Aldi store will compliment the existing retail offer on Dewsbury Road which currently includes a Tesco Express and Iceland as well as a greengrocer and several Asian and Eastern European stores.
The consultation event takes place at Dewsbury Road United Reform Church on Thursday 17 July 2014 from 4-7pm. If you cannot attend you are invited to send comments to aldiconsultation@planningpotential.co.uk or ring 0800 978 8968.
What do you think? Is the right use for this site? Do you have concerns? Please tell us in the comments section below.
I’m torn… While on the one hand I can see how this development would benefit and enhance the Dewsbury Road ‘High Street’. On the other hand, I’m getting a bit sick of seeing Aldi stores popping up everywhere…
There’s so little of any great value down Dewsbury Road these days – all you get is takeaways – I can’t see an Aldi having any great impact. I say good luck to them – affordable food and new jobs are always welcome in my book.