Feedback has been welcomed on plans to build a new £15 million retail park in Middleton following two recent public exhibition sessions.
Plans were unveiled for St George’s Retail Park, which will include a new Lidl shop and B&M Homestore, as well as seven other shop, café and restaurant units.
The former Benyon centre site, alongside Middleton Ring Road, has been bought through a joint venture between property companies CDP Marshall and Rothstone Estates from previous owner Tesco.
From the completed feedback forms received back so far, 60% of people who were supportive, 19 % were undecided and 21 % had concerns on the proposals.
The redevelopment of the site represents a significant inward investment into Middleton and will bring this brownfield site back into use for the first time in many years. Once open, the development could create up to 140 jobs.
Mark Rothery from Rothstone Estates said:
“We were very pleased to get a good turnout of local residents to our consultation sessions and were encouraged with the feedback. We had over 250 residents attend the events and we’ve also had a lot of hits on our dedicated consultation website.
“This consultation website is now fully live and we are encouraging as much feedback as possible still. All the comments are being analysed and fed back to the design team.
“There was lots of interest in the new jobs and questions on highways. We’ve listened to highway concerns and will be discussing the points raised with officers at the Council. Issues included bus stops, flooding of the existing roundabout, queuing on the roundabout and the sequencing of pedestrian crossings near the site.
“Many people also said that they would like to see something done with this site, after seeing it vacant for many years, and welcomed the investment.
“A lot of people also had views on the types of businesses that they would like to see in the remaining units. These included a gym, medical and veterinary uses, and we will take this feedback on board throughout the planning and development process.”
Residents can submit their feedback and comments through the developments dedicated consultation website at: