Yorkshire Life Aquatic are teaming up with Beeston Festival to create a “Birds Eye” View display using people to create giant words and patterns in the park.
We are looking for people to join in with us to make this happen at Beeston Festival on Saturday 6 June 2015 in Cross Flatts Park in Beeston. We are hoping that you can come along and bring your friends.
Who we are:
We are Yorkshire Life Aquatic (a dry land synchronised swimming team based in Yorkshire) and friends and our mission is to create with festival goers a “birds-eye’ view display to celebrate and send a hopeful message for people using words in synchronisation.
We want to spell out the words “Close the Gap’ as a message of hope for our communities. Close the gap – for the common good of every person.
For this to have the most effect we need people as many as possible, the activity is open to all ages and abilities.
We welcome everyone to join us. The highlights will be captured from above with a camera and mini helicopter device. We would like to evolve a “birds-eye message” of hope and joy to celebrate communities everywhere at Beeston Festival.
We will begin assembling people at 12 and the activity starts at 1pm.
Come along and/or share this with your networks and/or invite along friends/ groups of people you work with.
Feel free to get in touch via email zoe@yorkshirelifeaquatic.co.uk or telephone Zoe on 07739 456156.
This post was written by Lucy Meredith using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.