Fifty full and part time jobs will be advertised shortly for the new Asda store on Old Lane, Beeston, which is due to open in July 2015.
The Council’s Employment Leeds service is running information sessions to help local people secure the jobs. A similar operation in Middleton and Belle Isle last year led to two thirds of the jobs at Asda’s Middleton store going to local people.
A spokesperson for Employment Leeds said:
“There will be approximately 50 jobs available, all with a variety of hours. In order to prepare you for the recruitment process and inform you of the support that is available through our jobshops, we have arranged some information sessions where you can find out more about the jobs available, including how and when to apply. These will be held week commencing 13 April 2015 at a number of venues.”
To book a place on one of the information sessions please call either 07891 270652 or 07891 278593.
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