Bookmarked: Cottingley residents discuss estate issues

Residents living on the Cottingley Hall estate in south Leeds recently debated a wide range of issues at a public meeting.

Cottingley Hall signMembers of the Cottingley TRAC group heard updates on how Cottingley Primary Academy was progressing, plans for a new neighbourhood watch scheme, bin collections on the estate and work on the lifts in Cottingley Towers and Heights.

Residents were advised that the local community centre had a free coffee morning every Wednesday from 9- 11.30am and everyone is welcome to attend.

On Saturday 30 November 2013 there will be a fair in the Community Centre from 11am till 2pm.  The cost of a stall is £10 and has to be booked in advance.

A full report of the meeting can be found here.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 6 November at 6.30pm at Cottingley Primary Academy. Cottingley TRAC also has a very active Facebook group which has more than 270 members.

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