Leeds Hospitals Charity are encouraging supporters to put their best foot forward this summer as part of their latest fundraising challenge, ‘Step For Your NHS’. On average, a nurse walks 10,000 steps per 12-hour shift, so the charity is encouraging the people of Leeds to make their steps matter as much as a nurses’ does, by joining in their new challenge.
Anyone can get stepping, and there are three step targets to choose from: 20,000 steps represents a step for each member of NHS staff at Leeds Teaching Hospitals – this one is great for families to aim for. 30,000 steps will match the average work week of an NHS nurse, while a whopping 190,000 steps represents the average week of a hospital porter for those looking to push themselves to the limit!
There’s no deadline for the challenge, so fundraisers can choose whether to complete their steps over a week, a month, or even across a whole year. It’s just £5 to sign up to ‘Step For Your NHS’, and donations will help fund projects that make a real difference, above and beyond what the NHS can provide.
During the coronavirus pandemic our NHS heroes have been under more pressure than ever, so donations have made a huge impact. Thanks to your generosity, Leeds Hospitals Charity was able to invest over £1 million in health and wellbeing initiatives for staff earlier this year.
Clinical psychologist Jason Miller, whose role was funded thanks to that investment, who has seen first-hand the impact the pandemic has had on staff, said:
“Although our staff have fantastic clinical and medical training, none of them were emotionally prepared for these months and months of hardship. Our staff are so dedicated and selfless, they want to do whatever they can to help their patients and some felt ashamed to say they were struggling.”
Paul Watkins, Director of Fundraising at Leeds Hospitals Charity said:
“Our NHS heroes have worked incredibly hard over the past 18 months and definitely haven’t had much time off their feet – their steps really do count! This challenge is a wonderful way for the people of Leeds to make their own steps count this summer, by keeping fit and raising funds for our NHS hospitals when they need us the most.”
By the end of the challenge, the charity is hoping that their fundraisers will have covered an impressive 2021 miles collectively, that’s a total of 4,268,352 steps!
Sign up to ‘Step For Your NHS’ here www.leedshospitalscharity.org.uk/step
This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds Hospitals Charity