Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
Please note that due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak Leeds City Council is not accepting written representations made by post. Please make any comments online and address them to the planning officer.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 5 April 2021:
Retrospective application for detached outbuilding to rear
23 Orion Walk Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3HX
Single storey front side and rear extension
38 Cranmore Crescent Middleton Leeds LS10 4AN
The Whistle Stop Town Street Beeston Leeds LS11 8DG
Demolition of outbuilding; single storey rear extension
Darley Cottages 10 Ring Road Beeston Beeston Leeds LS11 8HB