Asda Middleton collect gifts for care homes

This year at Asda Middleton we are doing things a little differently. We usually have a toy collection but have decided to collect gifts for our local care homes.

Many of the residents haven’t seen family members for months, some don’t have any family around to visit at all. What better way to cheer them up than ensuring they all have Christmas presents to wake up to on Christmas morning. Please place any gifts into the trolley near the checkouts.

We also have a postbox in store for the children to collect a card, decorate and post back into the postbox. We then will deliver them to the care homes. The post box is located near the exit.

The care homes we are collecting for are Victoria House, Nesfield Lodge and Middleton Park Lodge. We all add more homes depending on the amount of donations we receive. Please note all gifts and cards will be isolated for 72 hours before being gifted to ensure they are Covid safe.

We also have our usual foodbank trolley in store for Leeds South & East Foodbank they are always in need especially at this time of year. Covid has pushed many families into requiring to use food banks, nobody should go hungry especially at Christmas.

Feel free to pick up a free booklet from our sustainability welcome hub with recyclable Christmas craft ideas inside.


This post was written by Rachel Cunningham

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One Reply to “Asda Middleton collect gifts for care homes”

  1. This is a wonderful idea for care home residents , will be taking a gift to Asda at Middleton for someone to receive .

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