Police have new dedicated team for Holbeck Sex workers area

West Yorkshire Police – Leeds Inner South

Leeds Inner South Neighbourhood Policing Team now has a dedicated team tasked with dealing with issues around the Managed Approach in Holbeck.

This team of 4 is made up of Police officers and PCSOs who will be sensitive to the concerns of local residents and businesses and will work to address their concerns.

The team will be based at Elland Road working in the Beeston and Holbeck areas liaising closely with a variety of partners including Council departments, Charities and resident groups to reduce criminality and anti-social behaviour linked with the managed area.


If you see an ongoing problem in and around the Managed Area connected to on-street sex working please call 07534 309568 between 0700-midnight.

Out of those hours you can ring 101 or use the following email address for any non-urgent reports. InnerSouth@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

If you need to report problems with sex-litter then you can contact Council street cleansing on 01132224406.

or email sseaction@leeds.gov.uk