Month: September 2016

Plot your next course at the Learning Market

Leeds City Council’s Jobs and Skills team have organised an Adult Learning Market, which takes place at St George’s One Stop Centre in Middleton on Thursday afternoon (22 September 2016). If you are looking for a new challenge or to gain new skills, but are not sure what to do

Academy students to gain science experience

Leeds City College has partnered with Young Enterprise and Johnson & Johnson’s Bridge to Employment initiative to deliver a three-year project with The South Leeds Academy. The project will give 48 students the opportunity to experience a range of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects, in partnership with Johnson

South Leeds is bloomin marvellous

Green-fingered South Leeds groups this week won a raft of honours at the annual Yorkshire in Bloom awards. Volunteers from the projects along with staff members from the Council’s Parks and Countryside team attended a glitzy event at York Race Course, to discover what the judges made of their year-round