Day: 22 March 2016

Prince’s Trust Team return to Beeston

The Prince’s Trust Team Programme is a 12 week personal development programme, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week.  The Team members undertake their community project on weeks 5 and 6 of the programme and this helps them to prepare for their work placements on

Full steam ahead at Middleton Railway

Moon rock and chocolate will feature as Middleton Railway resumes operations this weekend (26 March 2016) with trains running on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The weekend has a special Space theme, with an exhibition of Moon Dust and Meteorites.  This has been arranged in conjunction with Harrogate Astronomical Society, and

New planning policy for Holbeck Urban Village

A six week public consultation begins today on new planning guidance for Holbeck Urban Village, one of Leeds’ most historic and exciting regeneration areas. People are being urged to have their say on the draft Holbeck Urban Village Supplementary Planning Document which aims to continue the transformation of Holbeck Urban

Learning disability is no block as Sky Fallers band rocks on

Sky Fallers are a band with a difference. Playing rock, pop, folk and blues, the South Leeds band includes four adults with learning disabilities. The band was formed in November 2014 and performs public engagements regularly. The core band is a six piece ensemble with four learning disabled adults and