Month: November 2015

Hannah won!

It was Thursday 12 November 2015 on a winters evening. Twelve children and their families gathered together at the Civic Hall in the centre of Leeds to find out who was going to be the new Children’s Lord Mayor of Leeds. Hannah Begum from Hunslet Moor Primary school south Leeds

Khaleel turns his life around

Data inputter celebrates prestigious Prince’s Trust accolade for overcoming adversity Khaleel Ahmed, a data inputter employed by Hunslet based The Right Fuelcard Company, is fired up with success after clinching a Rising Star Award at The Prince’s Trust and Samsung Celebrate Success Awards. The accolade acknowledges the achievements of young

Hunslet celebrates community rugby stars

At the Hunslet Club on Saturday night honours were even between the three Hunslet community rugby clubs, with each picking up one trophy apiece. Chev Walker was there to present the awards with Hunslet Warriors Under 16s Dyson Nicholson winning the Grabsie Wilson Memorial Award. Other awards went to Andrew

Ice Pak decision taken out of Council’s hands

The decision on the controversial plans for the former Ice Pak factory on Barkly Road in Beeston will now be decided by a Planning Inspector after Aspiring Communities lodged an appeal for ‘non-determination’. The application was due to be heard at the South & West Plans Panel meeting on Thursday