Day: 28 August 2012

Middleton Park Craft, Flower, and Produce Show is coming up!

The Friends of Middleton Park group sent us this timely reminder: I just wanted to remind everyone of the Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show coming up on 9 September (1.30 – 4pm) in Middleton Park. I very much hope you are creating, growing or (planning) cooking something for

Middleton speeding discussed at New Forest Village residents’ meeting

Local residents attended the latest New Forest Village community meeting in Middleton held at the St George’s Centre. The residents raised three main points during the meeting: 1)  Speeding and dangerous driving on New Forest Way; residents reported that this occurs at all times of day but mainly on an evening from 5pm

Holbeck: Get to know your PCSO – Claire Leech

In the first of a series of articles, we introduce you to your local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs). They are members of support staff employed, directed and managed by their Police Force who work to complement and support regular police officers, providing a visible and accessible uniformed presence to improve