Day: 17 July 2012

Slideshow: Middleton Life launch night

[slideshow]More than 80 people attended the launch of the Middleton Life history project at Tenants Hall Enterprise Centre. The evening saw the unveiling of local history panels put together by a group of local residents who’ve been attending the Heritage Lottery-funded project. It also saw the premiere of a 25-minute oral

Bookmarked: South Leeds group aims to improve woodland

A Facebook group is running for anyone interested in making Sharp Lane Plantation in the Belle Isle/Middleton a better place for local residents, local schools and families to visit and enjoy a potentially wonderful piece of green land in the Middleton area. Future projects will include community clean ups, tree and

Beeston Juniors FC scores ASDA cash

Asda Beeston has donated £100 to Beeston Juniors FC to support the growing community club. The donation will help Beeston Juniors FC to invest in new kits, small goals and to set up a Saturday morning soccer school for five to seven-year-olds. The football club, which has four teams, with

New drama group set for South Leeds Community Radio

South Leeds Community Radio Station is setting up its very own drama production group, to produce short pieces of drama for air on the station. The station is currently looking for writers, actors, technical and admin volunteers from the local community. Previous experience is not essential, just enthusiasm and commitment. The