The popular ‘Leeds Let’s Get Active’ programme will feature special free family-friendly activities over the summer holidays, including a series of new ‘Xplorer’ sessions in Middleton Park and Cross Flatts Park – starting this coming week.

‘Xplorer’ sessions are similar to orienteering, with participants together navigating an outdoor space (in this case, the parks) by using maps to find hidden clues and markers.
The Middleton Park sessions will run on Mondays (30 July, 6 August, 13 August and 20 August), between 12.30pm-2pm; meet near the visitor centre. The Cross Flatts Park sessions will run on Tuesdays (31 July, 7 August, 14 August, 21 August, and 28 August), between 10.30am-12pm; meet near the tennis courts.
For more details, visit the Xplorer website, email leeds.lets.get.active@leeds.gov.uk, or call 01133783680. Good luck!