What’s On Roundup 8-14 October 2022

Here’s a roundup of some the main events taking place over the coming week in South Leeds. For full listings go over to our What’s On calendar here.

We start this week in the soft play of Little Angels Playzone at The Sugar Refinery (round the corner from the Tommy Wass pub in Beeston). Leeds Dads are hosting a free session for dads and preschool kids to play, chat and grab some tea and toast. Saturday morning 10am-12pm.

Saturday is also Family Film Club day at Hunslet Community Hub & Library, 11am-1pm. The free event shows a family friendly movie based on a book you can borrow from the library.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to meditate get down to Jamyang Buddhist Centre on Ingram Road, Holbeck on Saturday for their Retreat Day, 1:30-4pm.

The Prospect pub on Moor Road in Hunslet is hosting a charity event in support of Motor Neurone Disease charities on Saturday from 2pm. The day features live music, raffles, auctions, craft stalls and table top sales.

You are invited to a special evening at the Church of the Nazarene, Lupton Street, Hunslet where the White Rose Male Voice Praise will be performing on Saturday. The evening starts at 6pm with a Pie & Pea Supper. Book: hunsletnazarenechurch@gmail.com

MHA South Leeds have started a new Breakfast Club at Cottingley Community Centre every Monday, 10am-12:30pm.

Hunslet TARA has decided to move to bi-monthly meetings, now on the second Wednesday of every other month. The speaker at their meeting on Wednesday (12 October) will be David Tooley, Housing Manager with the Council. The meeting will be held at the Church of the Nazarene on Lupton Street, starting at 6:30pm.

A reminder that The Performance Ensemble (TPE) are collecting 1001 Stories from older people across Leeds. They are holding informal meetings at The Holbeck, Jenkinson Lawn, every Tuesday, 6-8pm. No experience is needed. Have a chat and a drink and a get to know each other, then start telling stories. It’s free and the first drink is on TPE!

Thursday is Wellness Day at Jamyang Buddhist Centre in Holbeck, 10am-5pm. Part of the week-long Leeds Festival of Kindness, Compassion and Wellbeing, the day will be a mix of talks, workshops and activities all to do with Wellbeing.

Craft Conscious is a group for people with long term physical or mental health issues meeting at BITMO’s GATE in Belle Isle on Friday, 2:30-3:30pm. It’s a chance to meet with others and enjoy some crafting activities and refreshments. Please book on 07891 274237.

And finally, MHA South Leeds are holding a Race Night with St Andrew’s Scout Group at St Marys Parish Centre, Town Street, Beeston on Friday night. Bar available Tickets are £7 including supper and a raffle ticket.