Here’s a roundup of some the main events taking place over the coming week in South Leeds. For full listings go over to our What’s On calendar here.
Beeston Parish Centre on Town Street host their fortnightly coffee morning on Saturday morning from 10am-12pm.
Also on Saturday, the Your Space Women’s Walking Group will be visiting Roundhay Park Lake. Contact 07435 914350 for more information.
There’s a chance to meet the local PCSOs at Hunslet Community Hub & Library on Tuesday from 10am, oeganised by Hunslet Tenants & Residents Association.
If you’d like to help look after the wildlife in Hunslet Cemetery, the volunteers group will be working there on Wednesday 10am-1pm. All tools are provided, meet at the chapel.
The Inner South Community Committee meets on Wednesday afternoon at the St George’s Centre in Middleton. You can raise questions or issues with the Councillors in the Open Forum section of the meeting. Click the link for full details.
Tiny Tetley is the drop in activity session for 0-3 year olds run by The Tetley, Hunslet’s own art gallery. There are sessions at 9am and 10:30am on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, over at Beeston’s own art gallery BasementArtsProject, it’s time for another exhibition launch ‘My Kingdom for a Croissant’ on Thursday, 5:30-7:30pm.
It’s the season for turning on Christmas Lights and the next big switch ons will be as follows:
- Thursday 4pm Belle Isle Circus
- Thursday 6pm Besston, Town Street
- Friday 4pm Middleton Park Circus
Friday also sees the Beeston & Holbeck Councillors monthly surgeries: 4pm Beeston Community Hub & Library; 5pm The Holbeck club; and 6pm Cottingley Community Centre.
And finally, the Beeston Nightriders are holding their second ride out on Friday, meeting at The Chaii Shack (Kashmir supermarket car park) at 7pm. All over 18s are welcome, bring extra lights for your bike and enjoy a lit up night cycle ride.