The Heart Healing Workshop at Leeds Urban Bike Park Café

This year for Valentine’s Week, why not treat your heart to a magical evening at The Heart Healing Workshop we are holding on Friday 17 February? PS it’s also a pyjama party!

Do you struggle with loving and trusting others?

Do you feel out of balance in relationships, either by being too distant or too needy?

Have you suffered heartbreak and relationship trauma that still affects you?

Do you hold grudges and have trouble forgiving?

Do you suffer from anxiety and low moods because of past emotional hurt?

In today’s fast paced, often disposable world many men and women feel disconnected to people and to their own hearts. Those who feel hurt from the past can live with a blocked heart chakra and often feel pain, fear, and distrust of themselves and others. When the heart chakra is in balance, we feel a free flow of love and compassion.

With Heart Healing Therapy we can learn to connect back to our own hearts and learn to trust in ourselves and each other again.

At this unique self-love Workshop, we will hold space for deep healing of your Mind, Body and Emotions in Heart Therapy.

You will have an opportunity to experience;

Meditation and Sound Bath for Heart Healing.

Open Heart Circle (group sharing, personal stories/ journeys/ reflections).

Learn Self Love Healing Techniques for Emotions.

Release and Let Go of old relational hurts with breathwork.

Energy Exercise for Physical Heart Health and Wellbeing.

Heart Therapy Mindfulness Art Therapy- Paint your own Heart art, Mini canvas, Make your own Valentine gift to take home.

Yummy Love In My Tummy

Ceremonial Hot Chocolate, heart healing buffet food, Teas, Coffees, Juices infused with our energy healing!

Together we will gently experience an awareness of your Heart Chakra and allow space for more love to flow through you.


The workshop is on Friday 17 February at 7-10pm and is only £45! It includes buffet food, drink and your own take home art therapy! And a few little valentines’ surprises!

It’s an evening workshop in the style of a pyjama party so you are more than welcome to wear a onesie and pyjamas! Bring your own cushions and mat, blanket also.

You can book via Facebook messenger to myself, contact 07427 671991 or email

Payment can be made by bank transfer, cash or PayPal.

The location is the lovely cosy and warm Leeds Urban Bike Park Café next to Middleton Park LS10 3TN. Car parking available.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask beautiful ones.



This post was written by Farrah Deen