Tag: buses

Vaccination transport plan announced

Major new measures launched to help get residents to and from their vaccination appointments As the mass vaccination programme rolls out, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority has announced several important measures to assist local people in getting to community vaccination centres by public transport, including the introduction of free travel to

Bus improvement works set to start on Hunslet and Low Roads

From October 2019 Connecting Leeds will improve the way buses operate along this busy route into the city centre. The changes are set to give buses priority along key routes which will make journeys quicker, easier and more appealing, helping to tackle congestion, air quality and health issues. The scheme,

Successful bid for ultra-low emission park and ride buses

A £617,000 bid by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to fund a fleet of five ultra-low emission electric buses to serve the new, 1,200 space park and ride site at Stourton in Leeds has been successful. In addition, bus company First West Yorkshire have been awarded £1.77 million to introduce