St Joseph’s Club in Hunslet are holding an all-age Halloween party on Wednesday 31 October, between 7pm-11pm. The party is open to all, but is specifically planned as a destination for local families after they have been out trick or treating. The evening will feature music, games, prizes, and much more.

Michael Whitaker, the club manager, commented:
“Halloween doesn’t have to be just all for the kids! Come down for a spooktacular all-age evening, with lots going on, bags of good cheer – and maybe our resident ghosts might join us. (No promises though.) We work hard at being a social club for the whole community – new visitors and old timers are all equally welcome.”
St Joseph’s Catholic Club is on Whitfield Avenue in Hunslet (LS10 2PT). For more info on this or future events, or making a booking, visit their FB page.