We are to get a new high school, the Ruth Gorse Academy. I say we, the sponsors seem to be promoting it as a city centre school, but then they also say it will connect to and the communities of Holbeck, Beeston and Hunslet. The cynic in me thinks that the latter statement is mainly for the ears of the planners.
I mention sponsors because new schools are not built by the Council any more. Local Authorities still have a duty to ensure there are enough school places, but they are not allowed to build new schools. All new schools must be either an Academy or a Free School. Just to confuse matters the Ruth Gorse Academy will be a Free School.
Through our local democratic channels – our elected Councillors and their committee meetings with published reports and minutes – we know that the Ruth Gorse Academy (RGA) will open in September 2014 and that it will provide places for 190 Year 7 pupils (11 year olds, what were called first formers in my day). But we don’t know where it is going to open.
The mystery location will be decided by the Department for Education in that London. It will be an existing building that can be converted into a school that will eventually have over 1,000 pupils. The sponsors, Morley Academy, want it to be in “City Centre South” – the old industrial end of Holbeck and Hunslet, south of the river (to coin a phrase).
The Council, who I would suggest know the city a lot better than any Whitehall mandarin, are worried that there are no suitable sites in the sponsors chosen area. Remember schools need playgrounds as well as classrooms and they need access to playing fields.
And then there’s the timetable, no not the school timetable, the building timetable. If they decide today which building the school is going to use, they now have less than ten months to buy it, design the necessary refurbishment, tender the contract and get the building works completed. Anyone who’s ever watched Grand Designs knows that is a tall order.
What about our existing high schools?
The South Leeds Academy (TSLA) is doing great things after a tricky start. Everyone denies it, but the school seems to have been designed as a bit of social engineering to bring the communities of Belle Isle and Beeston together. I went to a high school that had until recently been four separate schools. It was a bit hairy at first, but by the time I left it had settled down and gang fights were a distant memory.
TSLA is also outside local authority control and is sponsored by the Schools Partnership Trust (SPT). When South Leeds High School became an academy (or was “academised” in the ungainly jargon) in 2009, SPT’s only other project was Garforth Academy. Everything was local, they were a known quantity. SPT now runs 41 academies across West, North and East Yorkshire and as far south as Nottinghamshire.
You might have thought an organisation that grew out of Garforth would play ball with Leeds City Council, but apparently not so. TSLA is engaged locally with other schools. It is an active member of the JESS Cluster. But Councillor Judith Blake raised her anxiety at the Area Committee this week that there had been no Governors meetings called for this term, nor any communication with the school governors at TSLA.
Does it matter who controls the school, so long as they provide a good education?
The problem is that schools link into all sorts of other networks. Most importantly Children’s Services – social services, attendance, careers. We are moving towards a world of fragmented provision. You could argue that each school can provide its own service, I happen to think pooling resources across schools provides a better service.
What really worries me is what will happen to the children who fall between the cracks? If each school only look after the children in that school, what happens to children who are excluded, or who move (as many families in South Leeds do). That’s why it’s so important that schools, whoever controls them, continue to work together locally and be accountable locally.
Which brings us finally to Cockburn high school, which I only hear good things about these days. It has remained with the council and is at the heart of a thriving group of schools in the Middleton, Beeston and Cottingley Cluster. As the Learning Trust (South Leeds) it won the bid to build the new primary school on the site of South Leeds Sports Centre last year.
The new school will be an academy (remember we can’t have new Council schools), so the decisions about it are back down in London. And despite the demolition of the sports centre, there seems to be a growing silence about the building of the new school.
To sum up, our high schools are doing a good job for the children and families they serve. But education is a fast moving area and important decisions are being taken in greater secrecy, by people we don’t know.
Is it just me, or was it easier to find out what was going on and hold decision makers to account when they lived in the same city? What should we call such a radical idea? How about “localism”?
I’ll be back next week with more of my views from South of the River. If you’re on Twitter, you can follow me: @BeestonJeremy.
Dear Mr. Morton,
First of all may I thank you for your comments regarding Cockburn School and the work of The Learning Trust (South Leeds).
However, I must correct you on two major points. The new primary school will not be an academy. It will in fact, as a member of the Trust, be a foundation school – it will still be funded by central government, as are the other schools in the Trust, but is on the same footing as, for example, church schools which are members of diocesan foundations (i.e. a trust).
Secondly, you infer that there is some kind of conspiracy of silence regarding the new school building. I can assure you that this is not the case. It is merely that the buildings are still at the design stage. There will be a consultation meeting about the new school open to members of the community to be held towards the end of this month. A senior Headteacher from the Trust and myself attend client meetings with the architects every other week, and I can assure you that we are building a school that will be a credit to the community. One of the reasons why the Trust was awarded the contract to run the school was that it is local, is staffed by people who know the area well and provides local solutions for local people, as opposed to some academy organisation from, for example, Essex, which would not have a clue about the needs of the local community.
Peter Nuttall
Company Secretary
The Learning Trust (South Leeds)
Thank you Peter, I’m happy to stand corrected. At the time of the competition we were told the school would be an academy, I should have checked the up to date position. I look forward to the forthcoming consultation which South Leeds Life will be happy to publicise.
A pedant responds … Oh dear, I do hope that Mr Nuttall doesn’t teach English. Or, at least is not prescriptive in his approach, for he makes the error of confusing ‘infer’ and ‘imply’.
It may be argued that Jeremy suggested (i.e. implied) a conspiracy of silence. He did not – from my understanding of he article at least, deduce (i.e. infer) such a thing.
Sorry, these things annoy me – accuracy is fundamental to clear written communication. (I’m really setting myself up there ..)
No Lilybright I do not teach English, and it is to be hoped that you do not, either. Infer is used in the meaning to lead to as a consequence or conclusion: In other words Mr. Morton, because he has heard nothing concerning the new school has been led to infer that there is a conspiracy of silence.
There is not much that is straightforward in the English language, not even to a pedant.
Will the new primary school have LEA representatives on its governing body?
There will be a representative of the Local Authority on the Governing Body, but not necessarily from the Education Department, more likely one of the elected members for the ward.
Thanks for your response – that’s good to hear.
One of my concerns with the current government’s policy is the lack of any local elected representation on academies or free schools which together with different rules for schools still under local authority control e.g no need to employed trained teachers etc exacerbates the divisions in education and minimises the potential for local democratic accountability.
It seems to me that this government’s policy is, in effect, to centralise control of education and bypass local accountability. While local authorities have not always carried out their education responsibilities well – indeed, Leeds City Council fell in to this category for many years which led to the then Labour government requiring the establishment of Education Leeds – the absence of any locally elected involvement in such a crucial aspect of families’ lives is likely to foster more political apathy generally.