Members of the SPLASH campaign, which is fighting to get South Leeds Sports Centre reopened, will meet on Monday evening to discuss the next phase of their campaign.
The meeting, on Monday, September 12, will be held at 7pm at Hillside.
The centre closed in November last year and members are keen to keep their campaign on the radar of council chiefs.
Beeston councillor and executive member for leisure Adam Ogilvie told South Leeds Life:
“I welcome the continued interest in South Leeds Sports Centre from SPLASH campaigners and people in the area.
“Clearly there is interest in the site from Children’s Services at the Council in terms of a new primary school for the area and my view if that were to proceed is that there would have to be leisure use open to the local community as part of the school plan.
“I am also in discussions with an organisation who have expressed an interest in reopening the sports centre to see whether that may be an option as well as exploring whether a new school and a sports centre could be an option for the site. I am more than happy to keep people informed as things move forward.”