Here’s your regular roundup of what’s making South Leeds tick on other websites, blogs and across Facebook and Twitter.
We start this week in Beeston. If you’ve always wanted to go to an art exhibition in the cellar of a terraced house in Beeston, but wondered what to expect, check out Basement Arts Project. Their current exhibition continues this weekend (25/26 April) with a talk by the artist on Sunday afternoon.
Next up we’re off to Middleton Park with a new group to us South Leeds MTB. For the uninitiated MTB is an abbreviation for Mountain Bikes and Biking. The group not only do some daring riding but take a good photo too!
Staying in the same location, the Friends of Middleton Park have published details of their summer programme. It kicks off with Bluebell Walks in conjunction with Middleton Railway over the May Day bank holiday weekend.
If perseverance is something you struggle with Debs Davies recommends a video of Austin perfecting his drawing of a butterfly with help from his classmates. It’s on her Rosietints blog. Elsewhere on the blog she turns her attention to the economics of well-being.
Are you a childminder, or do you know one? Skelton Grange Environment Centre is running a workshop on Saturday (25 April) to give you ideas for stimulating outdoor games and activities.
Like to mix fine dining with art? The Tetley’s Edible Painting Event next week might be for you.
More encouraging news from The South Leeds Academy where Principal Marc Doyle reports in his latest blog post that over 100 Year 11 students came into school during the holidays to attend extra revision session, showing real determination to succeed. Good luck to them all in their GCSEs.
Those of you interested in the progress of the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme will be pleased to here that a second newsletter has been issued. It includes news of work at Knostrop Cut and Thwaite Mills.
Have you ever had a backstage pass for a gig? Leeds Music Trust have launched their campaign to raise funds for a lift at their Old Chapel Studios in Holbeck. What else could it be called but AAA – Access All Areas. Brilliant.
The community garden at Stank Hall Barn near the White Rose is starting to take shape. If you’re throwing out a carpet please get in touch, they can use it to supress weeds.
Belle Isle & Middleton in Bloom is looking for more volunteers. They have a meeting next Tuesday and a planting day on Friday 1 May on Belle Isle Circus.
And finally, there’s lots to do on Thursday evening (23 April). Important community group Annual General Meetings at Westwood Community Association and Friends of New Forest Village. Alternatively, The Holbeck have a psychic night and The Garden Gate pub is celebrating St George’s day.