Afternoon all! Here’s your weekly roundup of what’s making south Leeds tick on the area’s blogs, websites and on Facebook.
Holbeck Cemetery has 87 Commonwealth War Graves Commission memorials plus many other private memorials, and is hosting a Remembrance Sunday walk next month. The Friends of Holbeck Cemetery have blogged about it. the event.
Holbeck Neighbourhoood Policing Team is appealing for help. Items including bricks and bottles have recently been thrown from motorway bridges across the South Leeds area and police fear someone could be seriously injured as a result. They’re appealing for anyone with information to contact them.
Police are also set to tackle drug dealing in Beeston as part of Operation Deerhall tomorrow and Friday.
The YEP reports on a new vision for the Tetley’s Brewrery site in Hunslet. They’ve also launched a number of community directories, including ones for our area.
Over on Facebook…
The Friends of Sharp Lane Plantation have a potential four events lined up to improve the area.
Cottingley TRAC discuss dumped rubbish – and a local councillor joins the covnersation.
Check out the latest activities from the Friends of Middleton Park.
Middleton Railway has added five terrific photographs to its archive album.
We found this recently-posted Youtube video by TheGillywillywoo of the frozen lake in Middleton Park – it’s a reminder that winter’s on its way!
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