Good morning, south Leeds!
Here’s what’s been making South Leeds tick this week on local blogs and websites…
Holbeck in Bloom blog features some photos and a report from yesterday’s Yorkshire in Bloom judging – and features Beeston in Bloom and Holbeck in Bloom groups together with the Yorkshire in Bloom judges Bill and Tim. There’s also a glowing tribute for a certain local councillor… Fingers crossed for success in the competition.
Middleton Railway’s now open for business following its winter break – well worth a visit this Easter weekend?
The official opening of Cross Flatts Park and “the importance of providing an area of recreation for the workers of Holbeck” is featured in a new post over at the Friends of Holbeck Cemetery blog.
Ongoing thefts, trespass and damage at the Shafton Lane allotments is a new priority for the Holbeck Neighbourhood Policing Teams to tackle, alongside problems at Lady Pit Lane allotments in Beeston. Rothwell NPT reports on how mounted police have tackled anti-social behaviour in and around Belle Isle and on a new PACT meeting for the Brooms in Belle Isle.
Nuisance motorbikes in south Leeds were tackled by a major police operation recently, resulting in a number of seizures and warnings. And prescription drugs were left on a south Leeds bus, sparking a police appeal.
Free video-making workshops for young people are on offer at South Leeds Youth Hub in Belle Isle.
Middleton Community Group now has a new meeting place – check out where it is here. The next meeting to discuss Middleton issues is on Saturday, April 14.
Move over Glastonbury – should Cottingley have its own festival? The idea’s been mooted over on Cottingley TRAC’s Facebook page and has received 50 comments so far.
Issues with community clean ups and skips are debated on facebook over at Cottingley TRAC and White Rose Residents Association on the Cardinals.
While we’re on Facebook the Friends of Middleton Park have the latest update on the renovations at the park (see the photo above).
Sponsors are needed for this year’s Beeston Festival.