Your South Leeds Life is making it easier than ever before to contribute to our blog!

You may have noticed that more and more South Leeds residents are contributing articles and reports to this blog – which is great, this is YOUR blog and it’s open to all who wish to contribute. But we’re all too aware from our own experiences that sometimes writing articles can perhaps be a little daunting.
Today we’re launching a brand new website which will help you to write your own articles for the South Leeds Life blog and magazine.
Follow our step-by-step guide and we’ll take you through each stage of writing that perfect article, including tips and hints at every stage. You can easily upload photographs too!
Would you like to write a great headline that grabs people’s attention or that killer first paragraph that hooks the reader? Do you want to tell people about an event you’re hosting or write about something you know is happening in the area? Or perhaps write something you’re really passionate about? We’re here to help!
Check out our community correspondents website here and start contributing to YOUR blog. We’re also interested in your views on the new site – email us at with your feedback on what’s good and what can be improved.
We welcome posts and contributions on any South Leeds-related subject. You can publicise your events, the work of your organisation or group or submit match reports from your local team. We welcome reports on events, what’s happening in your neighbourhood – or you could shout out about your own or someone else’s achievement. You can even sound off about a local issue if you like!
You may have already read the first article to go live on South Leeds Life this morning which used our community correspondents website. It’s by Dave Florence and can be read here. The website has also been used by members of the Middleton Life local history project – some of their posts will be featured on the blog when that project launches later this week.
South Leeds Life is your blog – we look forward to your contributions.