There was a great turnout for the latest community clean up organised as part of the Love Beeston? Clean Beeston! campaign on Thursday.
About twenty local people teamed up with thirty pupils, parents and teachers from Park View Primary Academy (formerly Cross Flatts Park Primary School) and staff from the Council’s street cleansing team.

Gohar Almass from the South Leeds Community Alliance and Councillor Mohammed Iqbal both spoke briefly before the clean up started. Gohar Almass said:
“If everybody took responsibility for picking up litter on the pavement outside their house we would have the clean neighbourhood to be proud of.”
Cllr Iqbal said:
“It’s great to see the children taking part. You are the future, tell your brothers and sisters and your parents why it’s important to pick up litter.”
The clean ups will continue every Thursday, tackling a different street each week. The idea is to encourage everyone to take responsibility and do their bit. The clean ups will show them what their street could look like every day if they stopped dropping litter.
To tie in with the clean up, eight households on Harlech Road were sent letters from the Council encouraging them to make use of the skips available yesterday to clear the rubbish from their gardens. If they don’t clear their garden of rubbish legal enforcement action would be taken by Leeds City Council.
Very Very Good Campaign I’ll join them too.