From 1 April 2015, only Leeds residents will be able to use the city’s eight recycling centres, including Holmewell Road in Middleton.
Following similar moves by neighbouring authorities, Leeds City Council is introducing permits so that only people living in Leeds can use the Leeds facilities.
Waste disposal costs are on the up and the council can no longer afford to accept waste from people living outside the city who do not contribute to the cost of the service.
A Leeds City Council spokesperson said:
“In today’s financial climate, we simply cannot offer what is effectively a subsidy to other councils for waste disposal.
“We’ve reluctantly come to the conclusion that in order to keep costs down and to be fair to our residents, Leeds recycling centres can only be used by our residents.
“In an ideal world, we wouldn’t need to worry about crossing borders to drop off our recycling, but when facing tough financial times, we need to be sure that our services are benefitting our council tax payers.
“With eight recycling centres across the city, people won’t have to travel too far to their nearest Leeds site.”
One permit is being issued to each Leeds household along with this year’s council tax letter. Residents are urged to look out for the permits when letters are delivered later this month. Landlords will need to pass permits on to their tenants.
The sticker permits must be clearly displayed in resident’s vehicles so they can access the recycling sites. If you pay your Council Tax online, a permit will still be sent to your home.
If no permit is displayed, residents will need to provide proof that they live in Leeds, for example, with their council tax bill.
The separate permit system for commercial vehicles will continue to run.