Schoolchildren from Windmill Primary and Broomfield schools were on hand to help plant up on Belle Isle Circus last Friday (18 October 2013).
We all met up on Belle Isle Circus on a drizzly morning for the planting of shrubs and bulbs on behalf of Belle Isle in Bloom.
The pupils from Windmill Primary School were: Chloe Barker, Bryony Gillett, Harley Kershaw and Harvey Williamson. They were led by teacher Ms Natalie Allen.
I was amazed by the smiles of the schoolchildren, despite the weather. By the looks on their faces they were really enjoying this. Well done to both schools.
Many others offered help, and indeed were present helping with the project. They included Councillor Kim Groves, Anthony Oade from Co-op Funeral Care, who support many local projects. Also present were Richard Lancaster from Health For All, Jane Chitty and Lynne Spirrett, from Belle Isle in Bloom. Lynne was also representing BITMO.
And of course I was there, blogger and photographer for South Leeds Life, but also a member of Belle Isle in Bloom!
One bright spark, whose name I won’t mention, suggested that I started digging myself. Unfortunately had not brought my wellies and jeans, when I suggested he have a go, well I’ve never seem him move so fast.
The shrubs and bulbs were kindly donated by Leeds City Council to support Belle Isle in Bloom. Thank you Leeds City Council.
I asked Councillor Groves for her thoughts on the morning. She said:
“I would say that this is the second year of working with children from Belle Isle and Middleton planting bulbs and shrubs in the area where they live.
“This work will now expand to include community groups. Generations need to work together to enhance their local environment through in Bloom projects so all volunteers are welcome.
“It was an absolute pleasure working with the children from Sharp Lane, Broomfield and Windmill Primary.”
After interviewing all the lovely people who have all given up there time this morning, I left them to it, and headed home for a hot cup of tea.