Plans for new Council housing at Throstle Recreation Ground and Middleton Skills Centre have moved forward with two contracts to help bring the scheme forward for planning permission.
A feasibility scheme conducted by Wates has indicated that a scheme consisting of 60 Extra Care units for older and vulnerable tenants, together with 98 general needs homes and 16 bungalows could be built on the two sites, off Middleton Park Road.
Perfect Circle have been awarded a £200,000 contact to provide technical advisory and quantity surveying services. The Council has also entered into a Pre-Construction Services Delivery Agreement (PCDSA) with Wates at no cost (except for necessary surveys). This will allow Wates to develop designs up to and including submitting planning applications.
Cllr Paul Truswell, speaking on behalf of his fellow Middleton Park Councillors Judith Blake and Kim Groves, told South Leeds Life:
“We are delighted to have secured one of the first major developments of new council housing in Leeds for almost 30 years.
“Half of the Throstle Rec site will provide much-needed new council homes. The other half will be greatly improved open space. We are working with the Wades Charity, which owns part of the site, and will be consulting local residents on what they would like to see on the green space. Together with housing on the redundant former Skills Centre site, 174 new council homes will be provided.
“As Councillors, we see every day the desperate plight of people stuck in unsuitable, inadequate or overcrowded housing. Providing growing numbers of people with the homes they desperately need has been increasingly difficult given the sale of council houses, and the fact that these could not be replaced. This new development will have a significant impact on meeting that housing need.
“Up to the 1990s, the Throstle Rec site was occupied by flats that were riddled with defects and that no longer provided decent accommodation for tenants. They were beyond economic repair and were demolished. It was always intended that they should be replaced, ideally with Council housing. Unfortunately, successive governments over the last three decades have dramatically restricted the ability of councils to build new homes. So we are delighted that now those restrictions have been relaxed we have been successful in securing one of the first major developments to go ahead in the city.
“The 174 new homes will include 60 specialist extra care units for older people. It means older people will get supported housing tailored to their needs, with the added benefit to the community of freeing up existing housing for families. There will be 16 accessible bungalows for working-age people with disabilities, and 98 houses for families.”
Photo: Google Streetview
Let’s hope my niece is offered one, Chelsey peel she been waiting for a few years now
Have been priorty 3 years now so let’s hope I get offerd 1
We look after the young vulnerable people We look after the older people But what about the disabled in the middle My son is 47 has a brain injury so he needs assisted living Where there is help on site if he needs it. He’s too young for anchor housing.. we need more independent living for disabled people. But we have so many older people in the apartments and bungalows that should be for the young disabled vulnerable adults who need assisted living. Why not concentrate on them. And give them the quality of life they need. Where they can mix with other young people and have a quality sociable life with other young people. He wasn’t born disabled a car crashed into his and now he has a brain injury And there are a lot of people in similar positions where us the housing for them
I’ve not seen any notices anywhere about meetings etc is it a case of tough it’s happening as per? Will you be using rest of the field in a few years for a doctor’s dentist school to accommodate everyone? The traffic on Middleton Park Avenue is horrendous at peak times already. Those that have said will i get a house well if your working and paying full rent council tax don’t hold your breath they only offer you harehills burmantoffs and beeston. Plenty of green space in guisley and Otley wouldn’t they benefit from some much needed council housing?
Well I’ll try to put my name down for a 2bed bungalow. Whether I get one or not is a different thing. But if they want my 4/5 bed house back for a large family then I will need a 2 bed adapted bungalow.
We’ve started a pertition against It because we haven’t seen anything about any meetings I know Kath (who is a true asset to the council) hand posted the letters about the plan but There’s no info been put up about any meeting. And everyone on this street has been told different things as to what’s happening. We use the field for dog walking and to keep fit & healthy as do other people. No one seems for it up here as the field is used by all as it’s a good Needed open space. There is info online but some people do live there life round the internet so that’s not very good communication. I know everyone’s different but we have a right to know what’s happening where we live.
No doubt there will be some stupid objections. There always is.
Really hope these will be for local people!
That have waited long enough for homes local to where they have been brought up in.
No chance of getting one i f you are local. There are already kids without a high school so why add to the problem and yes there will be some ‘stupid people ‘ objecting