Planning submitted for new homes in Middleton

A planning application as been lodged for 116 Dwellings and a 60 Bedroom Extra Care Facility with communal areas, salon and roof garden together with associated highways and Public Open Space Area on the Throstle Rec site in Middleton.

As previously reported, the development is being built by Wates Construction Ltd on behalf of Leeds City Council.

2.27 hectares of land is to be kept as public green space, to include natural areas for play and dog walking, landscaping and sustainable drainage features to promote biodiversity together with a senior sized football pitch for community use

The breakdown of new properties is as follows:

  • 60 x 1 and 2 bed apartments within an extra care facility building
  • 16 x 1 bed flexible bungalows for adults of a working age – fully wheelchair accessible
  • 100 x 2, 3 and 4 bed general needs homes.

Surveys and enabling works at the site have been approved including move an electricity sub station.

You can read the full application on the Council’s planning portal here. Comments in support of or objecting to the application can be made online unitl Wednesday 13 March 2021.


Visualisations by Ares Landscape Architects


6 Replies to “Planning submitted for new homes in Middleton”

  1. I have concerns about the new bungalows. I keep seeing for people of working age, not sure what this means
    I was hoping to apply for one, I turned 66 last week. I have mental and physical disabilities does this mean that I will be Exempt and unable to apply !

  2. They put back local council elections for a year due to covid why cant they put this back a year so a PROPER public consultation can take place instead of sending out a few question and answer papers to people who arent really bothered and wheres the 30 million to build these coming from is it from all the other green spaces in south leeds LCC have sold off to developers? I seem to recall judith blake twice saying only a few houses were going to built on the field if dont think nearly 200 is afew do you and will you be charging rent for them?

  3. It’s nice to see some actual council housing being built in the local area. For too long we’ve seen private estates going up and getting newer supermarkets to accommodate this. Middleton had always been primarily a council estate and the people here were proud. Sadly the houses were sold which made way for private landlords and just any scumbag tenants being moved into them. We’ve been a sinkhole estate for too long now isn’t it time it’s proud council tenants were given a look in. Build us some nice houses to start from and give back to the community that built this once great estate.

  4. How can people comment suggest or object to something they know nothing about.. 2 of the main roads to be affected by the increase in traffic during building and after are Middleton Park Avenue and Thorpe Lane NO ONE living in these roads have received any sort of correspondence about this build what so ever the council have cherry picked who gets letters. Due to corona NO written objections can be accepted again very convenient on line only and again helps if you are made aware of plans in the 1st place. Makes you wonder what the council are afraid of????????

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