Planning applications 2 January 2023

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 2 January 2023:


Demolition of existing warehouse building; Erection of petrol filling station, alterations including closure of existing vehicular access, landscaping and associated works 

Anixter Premises Fastener House Leathley Road Hunslet LS10 1BG

Ref. No: 22/08310/FU | Status: Current

Demolition of existing damaged brickwall and railings; erection of replacement palisade fencing 

Jewson Ltd Gibraltar Island Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 1RJ

Ref. No: 22/08308/FU | Status: Current

Alterations to existing conservatory

5 Lea Park Grove Belle Isle Leeds LS10 4RF

Ref. No: 22/08352/FU | Status: Current

Alterations including dormer window to front 

1 Recreation Grove Holbeck Leeds LS11 0AT

Ref. No: 22/08344/FU | Status: Current

Hybrid planning application comprising: Full planning application for nine storey office building (Use Class E(g)) with ground floor commercial units (Use Classes E (a, b, c, e and f) and / or Sui Generis (drinking establishment)), 11 storey office building (Use Class E(g)) with ground floor commercial units (Use Classes E(a, b, c, e and f) and / or Sui Generis (drinking establishment)), 19 storey hotel (Use Class C1), basement car park, landscaping, access and other associated works; Outline planning application comprising a maximum of 40,000sqm of office development (Use Class Eg)) and ancillary commercial uses (Use Classes E (a, b, c, e and f) and / or Sui Generis (drinking establishment)) with all matters reserved except access 

Former Lloyds Banking Group Water Lane Leeds LS98 3HX

Ref. No: 22/08301/FU | Status: Current


2 Replies to “Planning applications 2 January 2023”

    1. Hi Jane, we only publish South Leeds planning applications because we are a South Leeds news platform, it’s as simple as that. We don’t cover other parts of the city so why would we publish their planning applications?
      If you want to check other parts of the city go to the planning portal at: click on ‘weekly lists’ and select which ward you want to look at.

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