Planning applications 11 May 2020

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

Please note that due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak Leeds City Council is not accepting written representations made by post. Please make any comments online and address them to the planning officer.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 11 May 2020:


Demolition of existing building and construction of a 46 Storey residential development with ancillary commercial space, landscaping and external amenity space 

Cartwright House Springwell Road Holbeck Leeds LS12 1AX

Ref. No: 20/02710/FU | Status: Current

Change of Use from Health Spa (D1) to Offices (B1) 

Waterfall Spa 3 Brewery Wharf Dock Street Leeds LS10 1JF

Ref. No: 20/01727/FU | Status: Current

Two part single storey side extension 

132 Ring Road Middleton Middleton Leeds LS10 4AE

Ref. No: 20/02631/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition number 2 of planning permission 18/06677/FU to reflect changes to the terminus building at the site 

Land Adjacent To The M621 Junction 7 Roundabout, Bordered By Hunslet Cemetery To The West By , The A61 And The Motorway/ A61 Circulatory To The East And North, And The Middleton Residential Area To The South.

Ref. No: 20/02552/FU | Status: Current