It may be ten weeks until the Middleton Park Craft, Flower and Produce Show, but now’s the time to start planning your entry.
The show, organised by the Friends of Middleton Park, takes place on Sunday 14 September 2014. As well as viewing all the entries there will be lots to do with activities, pony rides, stalls, miniature railway and live music. The fun starts at 1pm.
For more information or to book a stall visit the website at or ring 07914 729051.
The categories for the show are as follows and all categories have a junior section.
- 3 carrots
- 3 leeks
- 3 parsnips
- 1 marrow up to 18”
- 3 onions over 8oz
- 6 onions under 8oz
- 3 potatoes – white
- 3 potatoes – coloured/part coloured
- 1 cabbage – with 2” stem
- 4 tomatoes – with stalks
- 3 beetroot
- vegetable sculpture
- any other vegetable
- 3 dahlias
- 3 roses
- chrysanthemums – 3 stems of sprays
- flower arrangement
- potted plant
- vase of mixed flowers
- cactus/succulent
- rhubarb – 3 straight sticks
- 3 apples
- 3 plums
- 3 pears
- other fruit
Home produce
- jam
- chutney/pickles
- scones
- biscuits
- cake
- decorated cake (judged on decoration)
Arts & crafts
- art – pencil, pastel, any paint
- photography – local scene with title
- A series of artworks / photography on a theme, eg seasons, churches – Max 5 pieces textiles
- other crafts
Space available to display additional art and photos.
All entries to be brought to the marquee 8.30-11am on the day. For more information, ring 07914 729051 or go to See website or Facebook for details of entertainment and activities on the day.