I hope you have all had a good festive period and whilst it was not the Christmas that most of us would have wished for, I do hope that you managed to spend some quality time with your family.
As previously mentioned 2020 has been a very difficult year for all of us, as we bring 2020 to a close I have been reflecting on those who have lost loved ones this year and who have experienced other difficulties.
Despite all the challenges what has impressed me more than ever is the community spirit of South Leeds. This year has brought communities together more than ever and there have been some exceptional acts of kindness across South Leeds as people have pulled together to help each other out.
One such act of kindness was from a young girl and her father who brought a little gift to an officer who was scene guarding at an address in Beeston. The little girl wanted to say thank you and Merry Christmas and I know the gift was very much appreciated so thank you!
This month we have continued our focus on tackling criminality associated with the illegal supply of drugs. Leeds South Neighbourhood Policing Team work very closely with our police colleagues in the Neighbourhood Impact Team. This team is a pro-active team who target crimes and criminality that most affects communities.
The Neighbourhood Impact Team have executed four warrants across Middleton resulting in five people being arrested and cannabis seized to the value of around £300,000. As well as Middleton, other warrants and seizures of drugs have taken place including at a large premises in Beeston where a large quantity of both cannabis and Class A drugs were seized.
As I wrote last month, the Middleton and Belle Isle ward area has seen an increase in anti-social behaviour, particularly with young people involved. Through partnership working a number of those involved or present when this behaviour has been taking place have been identified and officers from the police and Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team have conducted a number of visits to their homes to engage with the youth people and their parents.
One individual who has been identified as being involved has been given an injunction with a number of conditions that they must adhere to. We would encourage residents to continue to report any issues or incidents to us so that we can gather the evidence and take the relevant action.
As I drove to work this morning through a heavy snow downfall I thought it is a timely reminder to everyone to ensure that your vehicles are in a road worthy and safe condition.
Please take the time to conduct the relevant checks and ensure that you always drive with consideration of the road conditions. We are already receiving a high number of calls about accidents due to the snow. Please take extra care and ensure that you add time onto your journey so that you arrive safely.
- Ensure your car is winter ready – are your tyres, brakes, windscreens, wiper blades and windows free from defects and clean?
- Drive to the road conditions. Be aware road conditions can change without warning and remember stopping distances will be affected by the weather.
- Make sure your windows are clean, properly demisted and clear of snow and ice before you drive.
- When the roads are icy, drive at a slow speed in as high a gear as possible, and accelerate and brake very gently.
- Driving can be challenging in winter conditions. Driving distracted (by using mobile phones or devices) can cause additional stress and endangers yourself, passengers and other road users.
Finally I would like to end by saying a big thank you to my police colleagues, other emergency services and key workers who have worked tirelessly over this period to keep us all safe. I wish you all a very Happy New Year and send best wishes for 2021.
This post was written by Insp Lucy Leadbeater