New hospital development at Leeds General Infirmary

South Leeds residents may be interested to know that Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has another drop-in session on Monday 19 November to see the exciting plans for Leeds General Infirmary (LGI).

Hospitals of the Future is our vision to build two new hospitals on the LGI site. The first will be for our world-class adult health services and the second a brand-new home for Leeds Children’s Hospital.

We know that many people in South Leeds may have been a patient at the LGI, or a visitor or may work there. If you’d like to see our early plans, please come along to the Carriageworks, Millennium Square, Leeds LS2 3AD anytime between 4pm and 8pm on Monday 19 November.

If you can’t make it, you can find out more, see a fly-through of the proposed development and leave comments at:

Our team would love to see you if you drop in on Monday. These are your hospitals and your feedback will help us make sure they are designed around your needs.


This post was written by Helen Matson using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.