New group is up and running

The running group that meets at The Hunslet Club every Monday evening at 6:30pm is a great way to start, or improve your running.

Supported by a number of qualified run leaders and running buddies from the South Leeds Lakers running club, the group is very flexible and happy to work with whoever turns up, whether novices or more experienced.

“It’s a chance to get fit” explains one of the leaders. “It a social thing too, you can come and meet new people. It’s amazing how the group progresses, little by little. Come along and push yourself!”

“It’s a good group to start with. It’s friendly, safe and you don’t have to worry about being ‘fat’ or unfit.”

Rose Butterfield was inspired the atmosphere watch last year’s Leeds 10K race. She tried Cross Flatts parkrun but had to walk most of it. She’s gradually built up and has now completed 10K runs and even cross country races. “I’m not the fastest, but I love it” she said.

Demi Hickinson has only been running for five weeks. “I hadn’t run since school” she explained. “A friend encouraged me to come along and my uncle coaches me. ‘Slow and steady’ is the manta!”

Although it is part of the GoTri initiative, encouraging more people to take up the triathlon challenge, these Monday night sessions only focus on the running element.

If you would like to join the group, as a new runner or a leader, just turn up at The Hunslet Club for 6:30pm on a Monday.


NB: the start time was incorrectly stated as 7pm in our April newspaper.