Middleton Primary marks World Book Day

This year for World Book Day (5 March 2020) we decided that we would take part in the Leeds Big Book Swap. No dressing up, just some good reading for enjoyment was the aim for the children of Middleton Primary School. This has shown to be a great idea and has encouraged all of the children to read at home!


Since the start of this week, all of the children at school have read a book at home and really thought about why they enjoyed that book. They then wrote a short review explaining their reasons for why they enjoyed that book and why other children would also enjoy it. Once this was done, the children brought the books into school, with the review, and received a ticket to attend the Leeds Big Book Swap on World Book Day!

World Book Day came and all of the children who brought in books to swap were able to take their ticket and choose a new book, that another child had brought in, to take home. They really considered their choices and read the reviews that had been left in the books before they made their final decision!

It has been a great day and I’m sure all of the children will enjoy their new books!


This post was written by Nichola Stanhope