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Its that time of year again when Middleton Elderly Aid have there Members Christmas Party. This year at Middleton conservative Club.

About 150 MEA Members got a ticket for this Annual event. I missed this fantastic event last year, whilst on Holiday in Blackpool.
We all arrived with our best outfits, and Christmas Jumpers and Samantha with her gorgeous Mrs Santa Claus outfit, which Paul (our compare) did not forget to mention, about 10 times. Lol.
Paul Holt was the compare for the day, We saw him on our Middleton Elderly Aid Holiday in Llandudno in 2018 when he did the entertainment one night.

Paul now lives in Blackpool, so did not have far to come. Its also a good place to live if your a singer, Comedian. Plenty of pubs, clubs and hotels to ply your trade.
We started up on having our lunch in a box. Very good way to serve a buffet,, no cueing. There was tea or coffee to follow.
While Paul was setting up, we all enjoyed a chat with friends and drinks from the Bar.
Wont mention his name, but keeping up with the tradition never ever going to the bar and buy drinks, he did not disappoint.
Paul now ready to sing a few Christmas songs and a few from the American Bratt Pack. As we all knew Paul, a few x-rated jokes were told. Some jokes Samantha got the but end of, Sam did not seem to mind and took it all in good part.

Then back to singing and we had a dance routine from some Ladies from Middleton Elderly Aid.
Paul, did the Bingo and gave all the numbers a name, such as number 10 Boris Den.
Then on to the raffle, The prizes were from the table or a night with me, strange as it seemed I got to takers. Lol.

The afternoon finished on a high note with members going home in the knowledge that we all had a good time, some with prizes from the raffle and Bingo.
Hears to next year and thank you to Samantha, staff and volunteers for putting on this fantastic event, without you this event would not have taken place, Thank you.

Kenneth Ingram (Volunteer reporter for South Leeds life Newspaper and Blog).