Health For All‘s Connected project has come a long way since we first reported on it last year with member Luke Hastings meeting HRH Prince Henry of Wales on his visit to Leeds last week (6 July 2017).

The project attracted funding from the Leeds Fund, run by Leeds Community Foundation and has now run two 6 week courses, one for young women and one for young men. The sessions are designed to tackle low level stress and anxiety by creating a safe space to talk openly. The young people also learn a range of tools to help them maintain their own wellbeing and bolster their self-esteem.
Prince Harry was in Leeds to address Leeds Leads: Encouraging Happy Young Minds, an event organised by Leeds Community Foundation to promote the mental wellbeing of young people in the city.
The Prince commented: “I cannot tell you how pleased William, Catherine and I are that the dial seems to have shifted and that there is now greater understanding, compassion and kindness for anyone who opens up about their struggles.
“But let’s not kid ourselves that the job is done – there is much, much more that we can do at every level to make conversations about mental health as commonplace as those about physical health.
“For example, we need to better equip our young people with the tools they need to cope with this increasingly complex and fast-moving world we live in.
“I read recently that young people check their phones at least 150 times per day – I’m sure we could all be more effective and efficient if we took a moment to process our thoughts rather than rushing from one thing to the next.”
The Connected support group is for young people aged 13-19 and meets at Middleton Family Centre.
For more information ring Caroline Hughes on (0113) 276 2386 or email: yps@healthforall.org.uk