The latest meeting of local group Beeston Hill Residents’ Voice was held at the Building Blocks off Tempest Road last night.
Here are some of the issues discussed at the meeting:
- Latest crime stats for Beeston Hill were discussed by the Neighbourhood Policing Team and were generally positive for the area. 10 houses were burgled in September, six in August, which police said was ‘amazingly low’ for an area with so much housing in it. “Everybody thinks that crime is rife in the area,” said one. “But it really isn’t.” Burglary from sheds and garages was eight for September, there was one robbery, 10 damage to dwellings and eight damage to motor vehicles. Metal thefts were still an issue, though. One resident pointed out problems with speeding drivers in the area and he was urged to take down vehicle registration numbers.
- Problems with people dumping food from houses on the Stratfords is being tackled. The council is working on a leaflet to hand out to people in conjunction with local resident Mahboob Nazir. Notices regarding waste in gardens will also be issued.
- Issues with poor street lighting in the area were raised – are the gaps between lamps too wide?
- Two community champions were chosen to be the eyes and ears of council services. The champions will either help direct residents to who they should ring re issues such as litter and anti-social behaviour or they will report the issues themselves and act as a point of contact in their community.
- Barbara Cavell reported there will be a new zumba exercise class starting on Wednesday, October 19, 6pm-7pm, at the Building Blocks. Entry is £2.50, all welcome. A six-week course for people who have English as a second language will also be held at Building Blocks , starting on Wednesday, October 12, 1.30pm-2.45pm.
- Freda Bates reported on a consultation meeting she attended last Thursday at Hillside regarding the council’s plans to restrict planning consent for ‘houses in multiple occupation’ – HMO – in the area. Landlords were apparently concerned about the plans. A landlord will attend the next Voice meeting to speak on his concerns.
- Leeds Federated Housing Association has taken two plots on the Lady Pit Lane allotments and will be sending a letter to tenants asking them if they want to ‘grow their own’ on the plots – and eat more fresh fruit and veg as a result.
The next Voice meeting will be on Tuesday, November 1, 7pm, Building Blocks. Check out the latest on the group’s excellent blog, which is edited by the wonderful Alison Neale.