Lenten services and lunches in Middleton, Belle Isle and Hunslet

Regular South Leeds Life contributor Deacon Al Henry sends us the following details of Lenten lunches and services in the Middleton, Belle Isle and Hunslet areas:

LENT Stations of the Cross Meditation & other services 2012

Ash Wednesday 22nd February 

St. Cross 10am & 7pm

St. Phillip’s 9am

St. Peter’s Belle Isle 7pm

St. John’s & St. Barn Belle Isle 9:30am

Middleton Methodist 7am

February 26th St. Peter’s Belle Isle SOTC 4amMarch      

4th St. Phillip’s SOTC 4pm

11th St. John’s & St. Barn Belle Isle

18th St. Cross SOTC 4pm

25th St. Mary’s 4pm Service of Reconciliation & Healing

 April 1st Palm Praise 4pm Middleton Methodist

 April 6th Good Friday 12 noon Middleton Circus

April 8th Easter Day 

St. Cross, St. Mary’s, St. Phillip’s, St. Peter’s Belle Isle, St. John’s & St. Barn Belle Isle 10am

Middleton Methodist 9:30 Communion 10:30 Easter Praise

St. John’s and St. Barnabas  

Ash Wednesday Mass and ashes at 9.30am
Maundy Thursday 7pm watch until 10pm
Good Friday 1.30pm
Holy Saturday 7pm
Easter Sunday 10am

Lent lunches:

Friday 24th Feb Hunslet Methodist Telford Terrace off Balm Road – 12 Noon

Friday 02nd March Church of the Nazarene* – Lupton Street (near Morrison’s)

Friday 9th March Noon Hunslet St. Mary’s Opposite Morrison’s 12: Noon

Friday 16th March  Church of the Nazarene* – Lupton Street (near Morrison’s) 12: Noon

Friday 23rd March  St. Peter’s RC Petersfield Avenue off Belle Isle Road 12: Noon

Friday 30th March   Hunslet Baptist Church 12: Noon Low Road  Hunslet