A South Leeds primary school has been shocked by a damning report from Ofsted, which gave the school the lowest rating of “Inadequate”.
Hunslet St Mary’s Primary School was inspected over three days in December and January but the report was only published yesterday (24 April 2019). Inspectors found the leadership, teaching and pupils progress to be “Inadequate”, pupils’ behaviour “Requiring Improvement”, however, Early Years provision (Reception) was rated as “Good”.
The Headteacher Mark Ford has hit back in a statement on the school’s website saying:
“Our entire staff team and governing body are bitterly disappointed by the outcome and we continue to pursue a complaint with Ofsted regarding the conduct and process of both inspection visits.”
Amongst their findings, the Ofsted Inspectors wrote that:
“Leaders have not been successful in their attempts to improve the school. Leaders’ evaluations of the school’s performance are inaccurate.”
“Standards are exceptionally low because of the slow progress made by too many pupils, especially in learning to read. Too few pupils leave Year 6 sufficiently well prepared for secondary school each year.”
“Too many pupils are easily distracted and disrupt the learning of others in lessons because they lack self-discipline and teaching does not engage or inspire them.” And
“The governing body has not effectively challenged and supported leaders to improve the school.”
On a more positive note the Inspectors also commented that:
“Children get off to a good start in early years. Effective teaching helps them to make good progress.”
“The majority of pupils behave well and exhibit good manners.”
Against this the school said:
“There are … many elements in the report that we feel do not fairly describe our school community.”
“We are extremely proud of our children and are all determined and committed to getting back on track. We have already taken steps, with the support of the local authority and Diocese of Leeds, to improve the quality of teaching and learning in school and will continue to work hard to ensure that all our pupils receive the best possible education and are supported to achieve their full potential.”
At Hunslet St Mary’s previous Ofsted inspection in November 2013 the school was rated “Good”. A Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report in 2017 also rated the school as “Good.”
A meeting has been organised for Thursday 2 May 2019 at 6pm, where parents will be able to put their questions to representatives from the governing body, the local authority and diocese.
You can read the full Ofsted report here and the school’s statement here.
I wonder if this unfortunate school happens to be in the way of the planned high speed rail network?