The Holbeck Big Conversation


Do you live in Holbeck?  Do you think a lot has happened in recent years?  Or a lot has been talked about?  Here’s an opportunity to speak directly to the elected politicians about your views!

Leeds Central MP Hilary Benn
Leeds Central MP Hilary Benn

Hilary Benn, MP for Leeds Central, together with Beeston & Holbeck councillors has organised The Holbeck Big Conversation – an event for local residents to discuss living in Holbeck.  What do they like about it?  What’s not so good?  How can local people work together with local politicians to improve things?

This is the second Big Conversation organised by Hilary Benn and follows a well-attended meeting in the city centre during the summer. The format is designed to make sure that residents can discuss the issues that matter to them.

The event will be held at Matthew’s Community Centre on Friday 8 November 2013 starting at 6pm – all Holbeck residents are invited.